How to Turn Any Room into a Homeschool Room

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COVID-19 hit parents like a ton of bricks, who didn’t know the drastic lifestyle change that was coming: homeschooling. You did the transition as best as you could, scrambling to the store to pick up bins, binders, and supplies.

Becoming a teacher overnight, you adapted and still have to be flexible as the pandemic changes your kid’s education. Parents across the country have set up homeschool areas in their homes and made it work.

Maybe homeschooling was the perfect switch for your kids, and you’ve become an expert now. Or you could hate the constant back-and-forth between holding school and shutting it down at a moment’s notice.

No matter who you are, every homeschool mom can take advantage of these tips for how to turn any room into a classroom setup. They can make teaching your kids less painful and keep them from falling behind more than they already have.

Your family can avoid less stress overall and make homeschooling go smoother with this advice.

Considerations for Homeschool Rooms

Before discovering the magic that transforms ordinary living spaces into exciting classrooms, it’s important to keep several things in mind. We recommend considering these practical considerations, so you don’t overspend on homeschooling and realize it doesn’t work for your kids.

Your kids and their individual learning comes first, and you can think about comfort, lighting, etc. to prevent further academic decline.

How many kids do you have?

This is a simple question but bears a lot of weight on the room you choose as the homeschool room. Your kiddos will protest if you cram them together when they’re used to a personal desk and spacious locker.

It’s possible they need more than 1 homeschool room if you have several children. But you know them better than we do and should trust your heart for selecting a space that’s big enough for everyone to learn.

Do you have enough lighting?

If your kids can’t see the papers in front of them, they can’t perform well in school, which is a problem. Installing new or brighter light bulbs for the room as a whole can solve the issue.

You can also build fixtures above each desk if you have multiple. Not all rooms distribute light evenly, and they could have trouble reading when light isn’t right over their heads.

Do you have organization systems?

The last thing you want to do is get your kids’ papers mixed up or let them litter the house. We recommend color coding binders, bins, and cubbies, so each kid knows where to drop their stuff at the end of the day.

Homeschooling can quickly take over family time in the living room or make a mess when entertaining friends. Organization ideas and systems can minimize these issues and keep homeschooling active during the day hours only.

Is it comfortable?

Remember back to the elementary days when your teacher forced you to sit long hours at an uncomfortable desk. You shouldn’t put your kids through the same suffering and make them loathe homeschooling.

Besides recess time and posture reminders, it’s a great idea to buy homeschool desk chairs, bean bags, and other seats. They can change up their location throughout the day without getting bored and still keep a strong back.

Turning a Room into a Homeschool Room

The art of turning a room into a homeschool room is found by looking at 3 different home options. By finding an unused room, converting a current space, or building a brand new room, you can produce a great learning environment.

Each homeschool room depends upon what the family needs, and it may be they have to search for a spec or custom home. It might not be possible to create the right homeschool room with what they have on hand.

You should give these a try to make a heavenly learning environment for your kids where they get excited about finishing their studies.

Find an unused room

Instead of troubling yourself into converting a room or building a new one, it’s easiest to find unused spaces. These rooms may not be places you’ve thought of because they hold your Christmas decorations, beach towels, or mice (yikes!).

Attics are a prime study spot with plenty of room as reading nooks for your kids to study in comfort. You can also clear out unnecessary closets and have an entire setup inside. Take out a few shelves to make room for a child’s desk and store their homeschool supplies above and on the door.

Find a flexible room

The next step is taking a room you’ve already got and converting it into a dual-space for education and another purpose. Setting up a small space homeschooling area involves being creative with decorating ideas and flexible as a family.

We recommend ensuring it’s large enough for your kids to work in or you have the right organization systems in place. That way, your kids can tear down crayons, binders, and papers at the end of the day.

Build a homeschool room

Sometimes your architectural plans don’t allow for extra rooms or flexible spaces. For your kids’ learning, it’s in their best interest to speak with a custom home builder.

They can show you new properties that have flexible rooms or have more rooms than you currently have for a homeschooling area. You and your spouse may have already been thinking about looking into a dream home for your kids and this could be a perfect time.

DIY Homeschool Room Ideas

Parents everywhere have found creative ways to support their kids’ personalized homeschool learning. They’re fighting against COVID by not letting the pandemic stop their kids from getting an education.

Gain inspiration from parents just like you and see new ways you can curate amazing homeschool rooms. Use your creativity and construct aesthetically-pleasing storage systems and rooms that match your home’s interior design.

1). Book Case Dividers

Placing a wall of textbooks and fun school supplies between kids is a great way to keep them focused. A child’s worst distraction is another rowdy minor, so t’s wise to create distance between them.

And when your kiddos finish tests and homework, they can play at recess or learn at the dining room or living room coffee table together.

2). Chalkboard Wall

Kids especially can go through mountains of paper if you’re not careful. Or your gorgeous dining room table can tempt your kids to color them with sharpies and crayons.

Chalkboard walls open the door for their creativity to run wild. They have a healthy outlet for expression that goes hand-in-hand with their learning space.

3). Closet Workspace

The last place you’ll think to turn a room into a homeschool room is a closet. But even if it’s not a walk-in size, it’s a convenient idea for small spaces in your home that kiddos can do assignments in.

You can visit the local hardware store to fit in bigger shelves for fitting a laptop, papers, and other necessities. Build a personalized homeschool classroom in the comfort of their bedroom.

4). Cabinet Space

Whether in your living room, dining room, or landing space, cabinet nooks are everywhere. We recommend taking advantage of them by throwing all your homeschool stuff inside, following your organization system.

This makes homeschooling portable since the cabinet is their central hub for homework and supplies. They can work at any of the 3 places with a table and even have temporary workspaces that you fold up at the end of the day.

Dream Your Kids’ Homeschool Room

You can utilize unused and flexible spaces to maximize your home’s small spaces. But at the end of the day, your kiddo’s learning comes first, and if they can’t get things done in a cramped environment, you may need to rethink homeschooling.

We’d be happy to answer any questions about potential spec, semi-custom or custom homes that have architectural plans designed for homeschool spaces. They also help you with other multi-use rooms, including a living room as an at-home gym or a bedroom closet as a remote office.

Give us a call at (480).626.1555 and we’ll be in touch shortly. We can make your matching homeschool-farmhouse set or Pinterest board come to life by speaking with our interior designers.

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